(08) 6235 7500

Proud 2021, 2022 and 2023 recipients of a Certificate of Commendation for Excellence in Year 12 Outcomes

Our school became an Independent Public School in 2015 and has since been leading academic performance from years 7-12 through the recruitment and development of highly effective program coordinators, teachers and support staff. Our vision is to seek excellence in education. We do this through individualised student pathways, which are consistently reviewed and adapted to ensure the best possible outcomes for all students. The school plans and consults with families, universities and vocational training facilitators to help students achieve their best possible results for their futures.

Our Gifted and Talented (GATE) program is now in its 5th year in 2024. In combination with the GATE program, we offer a suite of tailored learning programs including direct instruction literacy and numeracy classes. Wellbeing is an overarching priority where we have a large team of support staff and wellbeing targeted events for students.

The focus for Carine academically continues to be sustained high performance. Our results speak to our success in achieving excellence in education. Carine Senior High School has been awarded Certificates of Commendation for excellence in Year 12 outcomes; testament to our strong leadership in pathway support for students.

A new $32 million dollar building program is completed, providing upgrades to existing facilities ensuring a modern and enjoyable learning environment. We are a competitive school in sports and the arts. For more highlights from our community, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

We are a school of choice for pre-service teachers. To view more information, please visit our Pre-Service Teacher Page.

More information about the school can also be found on schools online.  Click here

Latest Updates from Facebook

Congratulations to Year 11 student Nina Kratochvil on being selected for the 2025 Future Female Leaders Program.

This is an extraordinary achievement, as Nina was chosen as one of only 20 participants from nearly 300 expressions of interest across Western Australia.

Future Female Leaders is dedicated to empowering young women and fostering leadership skills to build our next-generation of female talent for Western Australia. The selection process was highly competitive, and Nina stood out due to her passion, leadership potential, and commitment to making an impact.
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3 days ago
Congratulations to Year 11 student Nina Kratochvil on being selected for the 2025 Future Female Leaders Program. 

This is an extraordinary achievement, as Nina was chosen as one of only 20 participants from nearly 300 expressions of interest across Western Australia. 

Future Female Leaders is dedicated to empowering young women and fostering leadership skills to build our next-generation of female talent for Western Australia. The selection process was highly competitive, and Nina stood out due to her passion, leadership potential, and commitment to making an impact.

Our Day 1 whole school assembly yesterday was a great way to start the year and welcome all our new and returning students and staff. The assembly was held in the gym and live streamed to students in the library, the staffroom, the lecture theatre and the Performing Arts Centre.

Thank you to our 2025 Prefects for hosting the assembly and assisting staff with the year 7 parent morning tea. We would also like to thank the Senior Band for performing a riveting musical number as well as the National Anthem.

Congratulations to our Year 12 2024 students that received their 90+s club certificates for outstanding ATAR results. We would also like to congratulate Wally Reid Award recipient Paige Thelander, ADF Long Tan Award winner Paul Hooper, ADF Future Innovators Award winner Jaden Huynh and the P&C Art Award Winner Kimberley Phaimart.

We had an amazing turnout of Year 7 parents and new student parents that enjoyed a welcome morning tea after the assembly.

We hope all our families have a wonderful 2025.
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4 days ago
Our Day 1 whole school assembly yesterday  was a great way to start the year and welcome all our new and returning students and staff. The assembly was held in the gym and live streamed to students in the library, the staffroom, the lecture theatre and the Performing Arts Centre.

Thank you to our 2025 Prefects for hosting the assembly and assisting staff with the year 7 parent morning tea. We would also like to thank the Senior Band for performing a riveting musical number as well as the National Anthem.

Congratulations to our Year 12 2024 students that received their 90+s club certificates for outstanding ATAR results. We would also like to congratulate Wally Reid Award recipient Paige Thelander, ADF Long Tan Award winner Paul Hooper, ADF Future Innovators Award winner Jaden Huynh and the P&C Art Award Winner Kimberley Phaimart.

We had an amazing turnout of Year 7 parents and new student parents that enjoyed a welcome morning tea after the assembly.

We hope all our families have a wonderful 2025.

Boonaroo, February - March

The Noongar Season ‘Boonaroo’ is represented by the colour orange and is the hottest time of the year.

Traditionally this was, and still is, a great time for living and fishing by the coast, rivers and estuaries. Because of this, freshwater foods and seafood made up major parts of the Noongar people’s diet during Boonaroo.

Boonaroo is also a time of the white flowers with lots of white flowering gums in full bloom, including jarrah, marri and ghost gums.

Another striking flower to look out for is the female zamia (Macrozamia riedlei). Being much larger than its male counterpart, the huge cones emerge from the centre of the plant with masses of a cotton wool like substance.

As the hot and dry weather continues, the seed cones change from green to bright red, indicating they're ripening and becoming more attractive to animals, particularly the emu, that will eat the toxic fleshy outer layer.
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4 days ago
Boonaroo, February - March

The Noongar Season ‘Boonaroo’ is represented by the colour orange and is the hottest time of the year.

Traditionally this was, and still is, a great time for living and fishing by the coast, rivers and estuaries. Because of this, freshwater foods and seafood made up major parts of the Noongar people’s diet during Boonaroo.

Boonaroo is also a time of the white flowers with lots of white flowering gums in full bloom, including jarrah, marri and ghost gums.

Another striking flower to look out for is the female zamia (Macrozamia riedlei). Being much larger than its male counterpart, the huge cones emerge from the centre of the plant with masses of a cotton wool like substance.

As the hot and dry weather continues, the seed cones change from green to bright red, indicating theyre ripening and becoming more attractive to animals, particularly the emu, that will eat the toxic fleshy outer layer.
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